The Pros and Cons of Living in Burns, Idaho

The Pros and Cons of Living in Burns, Idaho

Burns, Idaho, is a small town in the high desert of southern Idaho, known for its blend of rural charm and rugged landscapes. For those seeking a quieter life away from the hustle and bustle of urban areas, Burns provides an intriguing option. However, as with any location, living in Burns has its own set of pros and cons. From its dry, sunny climate to the close-knit community, there are several factors to consider before deciding if Burns is the right place for you. In this post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of living in Burns, Idaho, helping you weigh the benefits and challenges of making this high desert town your home.

Pro: Geographic Location and Climate

Burns is located in southern Idaho, where the high desert climate defines the region. One of the major advantages of this location is the dry, arid climate, which means more sunny days and fewer gloomy, rainy ones. Winters here are milder compared to northern Idaho, with less snowfall and more manageable cold temperatures. This climate suits those who enjoy sunshine and year-round outdoor activities without the harshness of extreme winter. Additionally, the arid environment is particularly well-suited for agricultural pursuits, making it a great place for farming and ranching.

Con: Geographic Location and Climate

On the flip side, the high desert climate also comes with challenges. Summers in Burns can be hot and dry, with temperatures sometimes reaching uncomfortable levels. The lack of rainfall can lead to drought conditions, which might pose difficulties for those relying on agriculture or gardening. The landscape, while beautiful in its own right, lacks the lush greenery and forests found in other parts of Idaho, which might be a downside for those who prefer a more temperate or wooded environment.

Pro: Community Size and Lifestyle

A key appeal of Burns is its small-town lifestyle. With a close-knit community, Burns offers a strong sense of camaraderie and belonging. The slower pace of life allows residents to enjoy a peaceful and more relaxed environment, free from the stresses of big city living. In Burns, neighbors know each other by name, and there’s a shared sense of responsibility and care within the community. For those who cherish traditional values and close community ties, Burns is an ideal place to call home.

Con: Community Size and Lifestyle

However, small-town life in Burns may not be for everyone. The limited population size can mean fewer social and cultural activities, which might lead to a sense of isolation for some. Additionally, living in a place where everyone knows each other can sometimes feel intrusive, with less privacy compared to more anonymous urban environments. The slower pace of life might also be a drawback for those who thrive on a more dynamic and fast-paced lifestyle.

Pro: Accessibility and Services

Despite its rural setting, Burns is relatively accessible compared to more remote locations. While it is a small town, it’s close enough to larger towns that residents can access essential services and amenities without too much difficulty. The presence of local facilities like schools, grocery stores, and healthcare services means that residents don’t have to travel far to meet their basic needs. This accessibility makes Burns a viable option for those seeking rural living without complete isolation from essential services.

Con: Accessibility and Services

On the downside, the small size of Burns means that there are limitations in terms of the services and amenities available. For specialized healthcare, major shopping, or entertainment options, residents often need to travel to larger towns or cities, which can be inconvenient. Limited infrastructure may also challenge those accustomed to a wide range of readily available services. This lack of immediate access to certain conveniences is something to consider if you’re thinking about making Burns your home.

Pro: Economic Opportunities

Burns primarily offers economic opportunities in agriculture, ranching, and small businesses. The town’s high desert environment is ideal for farming and livestock, making these industries the backbone of the local economy. For those with skills or interests in these areas, Burns can be a great place to establish a business or find employment. Additionally, the peaceful setting and affordable cost of living make it an attractive location for remote workers or entrepreneurs looking to start a small business in a supportive community.

Con: Economic Opportunities

However, the economic opportunities in Burns are somewhat limited in scope. Outside of agriculture and ranching, there are fewer job options, particularly in specialized or professional fields. The limited job diversity is a significant consideration for those contemplating a move, particularly if you’re not involved in agriculture or remote work. Young professionals or those seeking careers in industries outside of the local economy might find it challenging to find suitable employment.

Pro: Scenery and Natural Environment

Burns’ natural environment is perfect for those who appreciate a rugged, untouched landscape. The scenery in Burns is characterized by the stark beauty of the high desert. With rolling hills, wide-open spaces, and expansive skies, the landscape offers a peaceful and serene environment that’s ideal for those who appreciate solitude and the raw beauty of nature. The high desert is also home to unique wildlife and offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, hunting, and exploring the vast open spaces.

Con: Scenery and Natural Environment

While beautiful, the scenery can feel monotonous to some, lacking the diverse environments found elsewhere in Idaho. The high desert environment isn’t for everyone. The lack of lush forests, lakes, or mountainous terrain may be a drawback for those who prefer a more varied or verdant landscape. For residents who value a more diverse natural setting with plenty of water features and greenery, the high desert landscape of Burns might not be as appealing.


Burns, Idaho, provides a unique living experience with its high desert climate, close-knit community, and agricultural opportunities. However, the town’s remote location, limited services, and specific economic focus may not suit everyone. As you consider whether Burns is the right place for you, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons based on your lifestyle preferences and needs. For some, the peaceful solitude and rugged beauty of Burns will be a perfect match, while others may find the challenges outweigh the benefits. Ultimately, Burns offers both rewards and challenges, presenting a distinctive lifestyle for those ready to embrace all that this high desert town has to offer.